Friday, March 26, 2010

The Coliseum Con by Geronimo Stilton

The only positive thing that came out of my first and last trip to Waukesha, apart from an abiding resolve to never set foot or wheel within that city's vicinity again, was the discovery that there are Geronimo Stilton comics in existence. I am not a particular fan (or un-fan) of Geronimo Stilton, they're just the kind of books that sit firmly in the background of the series shelf, on the bottom no less, and trot briskly and efficiently in and out of the library.

Hmm, comics says I, let us borrow one from another library and see what they're like. Well, they're a lot like the books really. Lots of color and action and humor. The vocabulary is about the same level, but the graphic novels are heavier on illustration than text and the print is much smaller than the books.

Verdict: You could either recommend these to younger kids who can follow more of the story in the pictures and pick up gradually on the text, or to older readers who won't have a problem with the vocabulary and smaller print. Either way, we're getting all of them for the summer!

ISBN: 978-1597071727; Published November 2009 by Papercutz; Borrowed from the library; Purchased for the library

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