Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Wild Swans by Hans Anderson, retold by Amy Ehrlich, illustrated by Susan Jeffers

Anyone who is familiar with Amy Ehrlich's and Susan Jeffers' fairy tale adaptions will be thrilled to see that at least one has been republished, The Wild Swans. Amy Ehrlich's adaptation is excellently suited to its audience, without dumbing down the story or losing its beauty. Susan Jeffer's illustrations are exquisitely detailed and the full-page spreads are just....beautiful.

But....why the new cover? This is not a pink story. At all. And I am rather upset that they took Amy Ehrlich's name off the cover - the story is as much hers as Susan Jeffers', after all. Take a look at the original cover. A much better representation of the haunting beauty of the tale.

Verdict: But the beauty inside is worth the new cover! A must for fairy tale collections!

Original edition
ISBN: 978-0803793811; Published January 1976 by Dial; Borrowed from the library; Purchased for the library (not by me! I was not alive!); Added to my personal wishlist

New edition
ISBN: 978-0525479147; Published November 2008 by Dutton; Borrowed from the library

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